About Us : Bamboo Joj
MEng Structural & Sustainability Engineer
I'm Joj : Structural Engineer, Bamboo enthusiast and accidental content creator.​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Involved with this project through every step, from concept to design and physical construction, I have fallen in love with Bamboo and it's sustainable power.
With the state of the climate and global wealth inequalities, we should not be gatekeeping valuable structural information.
Especially for such a readily available material with so much community potential.
​By giving a practical overview of the process, highlighting key design features and creating a digestible online open-resource, I hope to have inspired at least one person to consider Bamboo Building.
​To learn more or work with me on future projects & workshops, get in touch or connect on the appropriate channels.
I believe that knowledge is for sharing.
​So I have put a lot of energy into curating this website, creating short educational videos in the hope that I can do just that! ​​​
Androng, Phillipines
"I've always been interested in bamboo construction and this is one of the few places I get to see actual construction videos and details. Thank you!"
Olger Molina, Costa Rica
"I’m really impressed with your clarity explaining the information. Great job. I see all your videos and I’m very interested in this."
Aaron O' Mail, Malaysia
"Really appreciate the transparency & detailed diagrams. Clear & concise information. thank you!"
Global Sustainable Development Goals
✅ SDG 4. Quality education : Providing skills and transparency in information and training. Sharing best practices globally and not gatekeeping valuable construction information. ​
✅ SDG 9. Industry, innovation and Infrastructure: Contributing to industry knowledge by demonstrating feasibility and thus encouraging more Bamboo Design.​
✅ SDG 10. Reduce inequalities: Open resource website, allowing accessibility and giving users agency.
✅ SDG 11. Sustainable cities and communities: Encouraging local economies to optimise on this readily available resource.
✅ SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production : Advocates for bamboo as an eco-friendly alternative to more carbon intensive construction methods.
✅ SDG 13. Climate action – Spread bamboo's role in global carbon sequestration.
The purpose of this website is for Clear Knowledge Exchange.
Our priorities align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals:
The Team
The team behind the Case Study Project
Ir Major (Ret) Ahmad Mazlan Othman
The Construction Team
Engineer & Mentor
My Mentor, Colleague and Friend. Generous in nature and knowledge, and one of the most enthusiastic and passionate Engineers I've ever met.
Ahmad has over 40 years experience in industry and over10 years experience working with Bamboo. He is a fountain of knowledge and has an impressive structural Portfolio to match.
Ismail Rasheed
Maldives and Malasia based architect with 33 years experience.
Ismael created the accompanying architectural drawings and stunning renders for our bamboo design. Contributing to our initial concept-form workshops and designing the kitchen cladding façade.
We had a number of different work-teams involved with construction at different stages. Primarily local unspecialised labour was used. Which is a true testament to this design and Project, in showcasing how Bamboo can be accessibly used by anyone willing to learn.
A huge thanks and congratulations goes to all those involved in actualising the success of this project and the many hours of labour committed.
Rose Hussein
Project Manager
Project Manager, resident chef and valued friend.
Rose is Ahmads partner in crime and in charge of supply acquisition. She also provided beautiful homecooked meals for all of our team daily. Welcoming me into her life, family and home in various jungles and cities across the country. Her openhearted kindness made my time working on this project an even more memorable one.