Why Bamboo?

In a world where we are in desperate need for Sustainable Construction alternatives, Bamboo provides a unique answer that's already growing on the doorstep of many communities.
Before we start any Design or Construction, it’s important to establish what exactly Bamboo is and why it has so much potential as a structural material.
Technically a grass, Bamboo has amazing regenerative and sustainable properties and a diverse range of applications beyond structural use. The unique cell composition and high Strength:Weight ratio provide natural structural properties and it's irregular form ensures that every Project is unique and beautiful.

Bamboo is so Sustainable

Reason No.1 why Bamboo is so amazing, is that it is SO Sustainable:
✅ Absorbs 35% more carbon than trees
✅ Grows exceptionally quickly
✅ Regenerative and Renewable for structural use every 3-6 years
✅ Very readily available resource in developing countries
✅ Extremely lightweight = Less concrete needed for foundation design = less carbon released
Global Sustainable Development Goals
Utilising Bamboo for construction aligns with UN Sustainable Development Goals 9,11,12 &13 - reducing inequalities and promoting innovative, sustainable consumption to the built environment sector.
Bamboo is Diverse
Reason no.2 why Bamboo is so amazing, is that it is exceptionally diverse.
In its species, appearance, properties and especially in its uses :
There's a long list of possibilities.
From food to cosmetics, medicine, fuel, construction, agriculture, utensils, storage, decoration, clothing instruments, transport.
If you can think of it, it's probably possible to make it out of Bamboo.

Bamboo Uses

Bamboo Structural Properties
Reason no.3: Bamboo has incredible natural structural properties.

Bamboo Anatomy 101
Each individual Bamboo element is called a Culm.
Culms are made up of Nodes and Internode spacing, where the nodes provide a natural Diaphragm. (see gallery below)
Properties needed to calculate Bamboo Strength:
Culm Wall thickness
Culm Diameter
Sample Mass
Sample Length
Water content
Bamboo's strong tensile strength has developed from resisting wind loads in growth, its natural flexibility also makes it extremely useful in Earthquake Resistant Engineering, as it’s able to move with the frequency and withstand earthquake movement.
✅ Hollow & Lightweight
✅ Tensile strength > Steel
✅ Easy to transport & Cut
✅ Inbuilt lateral stability
✅ Strong in Bending
✅ Earthquake Engineering
Structural Diversity

Splitting the Culm
The beauty of bamboo is its malleability. With simple tools we are able to split a culm into multiple parts to form different building components.
Whole culms (1) of varying diameters can be utilised for beams, columns, joists, rafters and framework.
Bamboo can be split into strips (2) and bundled (3) which allows us to bend the material and produce curvature in our structural form.
Flattened bamboo (4) can be laid for ceiling and roof panels and woven for decorative architectural features.
Bamboo Bone (5) is constructed by exposing the inner 'skeleton' of the culm, used for largely decorative purposes
Bamboo pins (6) or dowels can be whittled and utilised throughout construction for traditional joints and connections.
To learn how we create and utilise each of these components jump to the Construction page of this website
Bamboo is Beautiful

Reason No.4 why Bamboo is so amazing is that it's so stunning!!
Subjectively speaking, anything we create out of Bamboo, whether that's a small pavilion, private dwelling or a double-storey commercial space, is going to look incredibly unique and naturally beautiful.
In Bamboo Construction the Bamboo provides the structural stability system and the finishing Architecture. A Structural Engineer's dream, to have everything exposed
✅ Natural form
✅ Unique
✅ Like really pretty